CERTIFICATE OF CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY program 의 1st class syllabus을 올림니다.
SPT 521 Spiritual Classics—Augustine’s Confessions
Spring I, 2007

Instructor Information
•Dr. Loyd Allen, Professor of Church History and Spiritual Formation, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University
Course Information
•Spring Hill College Atlanta’s SPT 541 Spiritual Classics focuses on one of the great works of Christian spirituality, the Confessions of Augustine.

Course Goals
1.To gain a foundational knowledge of the life and times of Augustine, author of the Confessions, a classic of Christian spirituality.  
2.To learn how to interpret and evaluate the Confessions.
3.To provide a context in which each class member may encounter and respond personally and vocationally to Christian spiritual formation as presented by the Confessions.  

Required Resources
Book 1
Author: Maria Boulding, ed.
Title: The Confessions: St. Augustine
Publisher: New City Press
Edition: 2002
ISBN: 1565480848
Is this a required or recommended text? Required
Book 2
Author: John Rotelle
Title: Augustine Day by Day
Publisher: Catholic Book Publishing Compa
Edition: 1999
ISBN: 0899421709
Is this a required or recommended text? Required
Other readings as required up to a maximum of 120 pages per week or 6 hours work outside of class per week.

Assignments and Evaluation

  1. Read the Confessions according to schedule. Keep a reading log of important ideas, significant quotations, and questions raised. 20 % of course grade.
  2. Do a daily reading in the Rotelle text and write a daily reflection journal of about 100 words. 5% of course grade.
  3. Write a 2,000 to 2,500 word spiritual autobiography titled, “My Spiritual Journey in Augustinian Perspective,” using the major themes of (over) Augustine’s Confessions as the framework for your personal journey in faith.This review should provide:
    oA clear statement of the major themes in the Confessions illustrated plainly by textual references.  
    oAreas of intersection and disparity relative to your spiritual journey and Augustine’s.  
    oA conclusion creatively reflecting what you’ve learned about spirituality, Augustine, and yourself in this class.  
    60% of class grade.
  4. Final Exam, 10% of course grade.
  5. Class participation, which may include individual and group exercises, such as leading a class discussion. Students will attend each class. More than two absences will result in having to retake the class. 5% of class grade.

•The grade scale will follow that of the Spring Hill College catalog.
•The class meeting schedule below is subject to modification with notice.  

Sessions Topic Assignments
1. 1/11/ 2007 Introductions Defining Christian Spirituality
2. 1/18/2007 A Brief History of Christian Spirituality Confessions through Bk3
3. 1/25/2007 The Life and Times of Augustine  
4. 2/1/2007 Discussion of Text Confessions through Bk.7
5. 2/8/2007 Discussion of Text Confessions through Bk10
6. 2/15/2007 Discussion of Text Confessions through Bk13
7. 2/22/2007 Presentation of Spiritual Autobiographies  
8. 3/01/2007 Final exam