December 1, 2006

To:        National CLC Executive Council and National Coordinating Council

From:    Marie A. Schimelfening

        In 2005 the National CLC EXCO proposed that a National CLC Formation Team be established.  Since then the team has met several times and working toward the development of formation for existing CLCs and new CLCs as they are formed.  One of the major tasks of the team was to make available a Guides Course which is a very   important component of CLC development.  To this end a Guides team met to up-date and revise materials that were presented at previous courses given some 15 years ago.

        By way of this letter and on behalf of the CLC Guides Team this is to inform you that we will be presenting a Guides Course June 24 – July 1, 2007 in the Omaha, Nebraska area.  We are asking each of you to call forth CLCers who you feel would be guides for CLCs in your region.  We are setting forth criteria in order to prepare guides for this very specific role in Christian Life Community.  It is vital to the growth of the Movement that we have guides that are trained for this very special call.  The criteria that has been established for this course is as follows:

-        to be a member of CLC for at least 5-6 years;
-        to be a member who has made the full experience of the Spiritual Exercises, that is either the full 30 day retreat or the 19th annotation – retreat in daily life;
-        to be a member who has made a temporary commitment and will soon be making a permanent commitment to this CLC Way of Life;
-        to be able to make a commitment to be a CLC guide for at least five years;
-        to be able to make the entire course from June 24-July 1.

Very soon each region will be receiving application forms with further information as to the exact location of the course and the cost.  Once the applications have been received the team will review them and advise each applicant if they have been accepted for the course.

We find this process to be extremely important for us as we look toward developing and assisting those interested in becoming guides for our CLCs – those who may be in need of a guide now or those new CLCs that are developing.

Please pass this information on to leaders in your region or area asking them to pray about a possible call to be a CLC guide.

If you are in need of further information please do not hesitate to contact me at  Please keep this very important program for CLC in your prayers.