World CLC Day 2016
Every year on March 25th - the feast of the Annunciation - Christian Life Community celebrates World CLC Day. We are reminded that CLC-USA is part of a larger lay apostolic body of over 25,000 members around the world in 60 recognized national communities and 16 others moving towards incorporation.
This year, the World CLC Executive Council in its publication Projects (#163), entitled "World CLC Day: Breathing Space" encourages us to "take a breather" to enter the mystery by pausing, breathing - in and out - to create space to stop, reflect, and discern. We are then asked to join Mary in making our "fiat" - "let it be" - and accept the invitation to serve with greater intentionality and focus, more deeply committed to our vocation in CLC.
There are a number of World CLC Day activities occurring in the US.   Among these:
South Florida
The CLC South Florida Region celebrated World CLC Day on March 12. The day began with the Eucharist at which nearly 100 persons from the various CLC groups attended. This was followed by a presentation and small group discussion of Projects 163 and how it relates to the region over the last several years. This discussion led the assembly to list 3 concrete needs: First, more regional gatherings that deal with formation in CLC. Second, the need to learn how to evaluate the CLC community meetings. Third, better formation for the community coordinators and guides. For photos from the event:
NY Metro
The Metro NY Region celebrated its Lenten Day of Prayer and World CLC Day on March 13th.  The theme brought together Pope Francis' request that we celebrate an extraordinary year of mercy and World CLC's emphasis on ecology, migration and global poverty. A collection was taken for the vocational school in Juarez that the people of the Lord's Ranch plan to build. 
The morning started with some presentations on mercy and compassion for prayer and reflection.  CLC members shared their witness on compassion and mercy in the areas of ecology, migration and global poverty that they took to prayer and small group sharing in the afternoon.
St. Louis
The St. Louis area CLC celebrated World CLC Day on Saturday Mar 19 at Saint Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University's campus. The event focused on the theme of mercy using documents from Pope Francis, and was a creative mixture of readings, songs, a breathing exercise and small group interaction.  Fr. Cos gave a beautiful reflection after the readings that led participants into the group sharing.  Activities wrapped up with a light lunch, attendance prizes and goodbyes.  There was great fellowship among the attendees and each of the local CLCs represented.
Pittsburgh Cluster
The CLC Pittsbugh cluster will gather on April 2 to mark World CLC Day, to share each local community's "Fruits of Prayer and Labor" from the past year. Each participating local CLC group took some time at their regular meetings to determine how each has given witness to its CLC charism since last year's cluster gathering.  These separate manifestations will be brought to the April 2nd gathering where they will be visually displayed in the form of cut-out leaves, branches, and fruit to be hung upon an already fashioned cardboard tree representing the groups' prophetic apostolic community on mission. The main branches of the "tree" - will represent each CLC group and its respective "Fruits of Prayer and Labor." Green leaves for aspects of deepening spirituality; light brown smaller branches (extending off the main branch) for labeling aspects of fostering community. Colored fruit for how they have moved out on mission. Mission "fruits" will be represented by color for the four prophetic areas ("Frontiers") of apostolic outreach identified at the CLC World Assembly: "Poverty and Globalization"; "Family"; "Youth" and "Ecology- Care of Creation", with other colors/kinds of fruit for aspects of mission beyond these four areas. The celebration will close with the Eucharist at which committed members will renew their commitments.
Atlanta Korean CLC
Because CLC World Day falls on Good Friday, the Atlanta Korean CLC will celebrate World CLC Day on Saturday, April 16. Participants will have reviewed Projects 163 in their respective groups and will gather to hear a presentation on "What is Our Identity as CLC" that will be followed by small-group and large-group sharing. The session will include a Mandala coloring exercise and sharing on the topic "Who am I?" Others in National KCLC will discuss Projects 163 at their local group meetings.
There are many other CLC groups around the country and throughout the world celebrating World CLC Day. ExCo invites all members of the CLC-USA Body to be in solidarity and one in spirit with these, our CLC brothers and sisters, as we together labor to follow Christ more closely and work with him in building the Kingdom.
Happy World CLC Day to all from CLC-USA ExCo!  

  For more information, please see our website or email us at 

Christian Life Community, 3601 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108